EveKit Data Model

EVE data stored by EveKit is recorded in “Cached Data” objects. These objects model the data retrieved from the ESI. Every such object has the following common properties:

  • owner: the synchronized EVE account to which the object is attached.
  • cached object id (cid): the globally unique ID of this object.
  • life start: the time (milliseconds UTC) at which the object was considered current for the data it models.
  • life end: the time (milliseconds UTC) at which the object was considered no longer current for the data it models.
  • meta data: a string map (keys are also strings) which may store additional properties associated with the object.

Each object may then have additional properties depending on the data it is intended to model. For example the AccountBalance object has the following additional properties:

  • division: the wallet division for which the balance is recorded.
  • balance: the current account balance.

A model object is created when it becomes current for the data it models. At this point, all fields are considered immutable except for “life end” and the meta-data map. The “life end” field may be modified during object history maintenance. The meta-data map may be modified at any time. “Life end” is normally set only once at the time when the object is no longer current. After that point, all model object properties except the meta-data map are considered immutable.

Model History

A key feature of EveKit is the ability to record history for the data retrieved from the ESI. History is maintained by creating cached data object instances which represent a view of data over a given time interval. For a given object, the half-open interval [life start, life end) is the time range over which the object is considered to be authoritative for the data it models. Outside of this interval, the modeled data either didn’t exist, or had different values for one or more object properties.

History is updated during each model synchronization cycle (see :ref:model_sync) as follows:

  1. The latest ESI data is retrieved and a new model object is created. Life start is set to the current time, and life end is set to positive infinity.
  2. If no model object exists for the current time, then the new model object is stored as the current view.
  3. If a model object already exists for the current time, then it is retrieved and compared to the new model object:
    1. if all fields are identical (excluding life start, life end and meta-data) then nothing has changed and the new model object is discarded.
    2. if a field has changed, then:
      1. life end for the current object is set to the current time.
      2. the meta-data map for the existing object is copied to the new object.
      3. both objects are saved, with the new object becoming the current view and the old object becoming a historical view.

Step 3.b. is called “object evolution” and preserves the property that [life start, life end) intervals are non overlapping for all objects for a particular model type (e.g. all AccountBalance model objects).

One may wonder why it is necessary to copy the meta-data map during object evolution. This is necessary to preserve third party data for model objects which regularly evolve. For example, consider a character sheet. A player’s character sheet naturally evolves over time as security status changes, or a player updates their description. A third party application may choose to save certain preferences in the meta-data map of the character sheet. By copying this map during evolution, these preferences continue to be convenient to access on current view of the character sheet. Note that historical object still have a meta-data map which can be accessed or modified independent of the latest model view.

Model Data Reference


Category Shared
Access Account Balance Access (ACCESS_ACCOUNT_BALANCE)
Field Name Type Description
division number Wallet division (‘1’ for character accounts).
balance currency Wallet balance.
accountID number (deprecated) Always 0.
accountKey number (deprecated) Set to division - 1 + 1000.


Category Shared
Access Asset Access (ACCESS_ASSETS)
Field Name Type Description
itemID number Unique item ID.
locationID number Either an EVE location (see SDE) or the itemID of the parent if this is a contained asset.
locationType string One of “station”, “solar sytem”, or “other”.
locationFlag string Location descriptor (see location_flag).
typeID number Asset type ID.
quantity number Asset stack count.
singleton boolean True if this asset is not a stack.
blueprintType string (deprecated) Records blueprint informaion for pre-ESI data. One of “copy”, “original” or null.
blueprintCopy boolean True if this asset represents a blueprint copy.


Category Shared
Access Blueprint Access (ACCESS_BLUEPRINTS)
Field Name Type Description
itemID number Unique item ID.
locationID number EVE location (see SDE).
locationFlag string Location descriptor (see location_flag).
typeID number Blueprint type ID.
quantity number Blueprint stack count (see quantity).
timeEfficiency number Blueprint time efficiency.
materialEfficiency number Blueprint material efficiency.
runs number Runs remaining for a blueprint copy.


Category Shared
Access Bookmark Access (ACCESS_BOOKMARKS)
Field Name Type Description
folderID number Bookmark folder ID where this bookmark is stored. In EveKit, bookmark folders are not stored separately and are recorded along with the bookmarks they contain. As a result, empty bookmark folders are not explicitly recorded.
folderName string Bookmark folder name where this bookmark is stored.
folderCreatorID number Bookmark folder creator ID. Only stored for corporation bookmarks.
bookmarkID number Unique bookmark ID.
bookmarkCreatorID number Bookmark creator ID.
created number Bookmark creation time (millis UTC).
createdDate string Bookmark creation time (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).
itemID number Item ID bookmark refers to or 0 if not present.
typeID number Type ID of item bookmark refers to or 0 if not present.
locationID number Bookmark location ID.
x number Bookmark X position or 0 if not present.
y number Bookmark Y position or 0 if not present.
z number Bookmark Z position or 0 if not present.
memo string Bookmark label. The XML API called this field memo. We’ve retained the name but record label here instead.
note string Boomkark note


Category Shared
Access Contact List Access (ACCESS_CONTACT_LIST)
Field Name Type Description
list string Which contact list this contact is in. One of “character”, “corporation” or “alliance”.
contactID number Unique contact ID.
standing number Contact standing.
contactType string One of “character”, “corporation”, “alliance”, or “faction”.
inWatchList boolean True if this contact is in the watched list.
isBlocked boolean True if this contact is in the blocked list.
labels set<nunmber> Contact label IDs attached to this contact.


Category Shared
Access Contact List Access (ACCESS_CONTACT_LIST)
Field Name Type Description
list string Which contact list this contact label is in. One of “character”, “corporation” or “alliance”.
labelID number Unique label ID.
name string Label name.


Category Shared
Access Contract Access (ACCESS_CONTRACTS)
Field Name Type Description
contractID number Unique contract ID.
issuerID number Contract issuer ID.
issuerCorpID number Corporation ID of contract issuer.
assigneeID number Contract assignee ID (if assigned).
acceptorID number Contract acceptor ID (if accepted).
startStationID number Starting station ID (for courier contracts).
endStationID number Ending station ID (for courier contracts).
type string Contract type. One of “item_exchange”, “auction”, “courier”, “loan”, or “unknown”.
status string Contract status (see status).
title string Contract title.
forCorp boolean True if the contract was issued on behalf of the issuer’s corporation.
availability string Contract availability. One of “public”, “personal”, “corporation” or “alliance”.
dateIssued number Date of contract issue (millis UTC).
dateIssuedDate string Date of contract issue (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).
dateExpired number Date contract expires (millis UTC).
dateExpiredDate string Date contract expires (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).
dateAccepted number Date contract was accepted (millis UTC) or 0 if not accepted yet.
dateAcceptedDate string Date contract was accepted (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).
numDays number Number of days allocated to complete the contract.
dateCompleted number Date contract completed (millis UTC) or 0 if not completed yet.
dateCompletedDate string Date contract completed (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).
price currency Contract price.
reward currency Contract reward.
collateral currency Contract collateral.
buyout currency Contract buyout (for auctions).
volume number Volume of items in the contract.


Category Shared
Access Contract Access (ACCESS_CONTRACTS)
Field Name Type Description
bidID number Unique (to contract) bid ID.
contractID number Unique contract ID.
bidderID number Contract bidder ID.
dateBid number Date of bid (millis UTC).
dateBidDate string Date of bid (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).
amount currency Bid amount.


Category Shared
Access Contract Access (ACCESS_CONTRACTS)
Field Name Type Description
contractID number Unique contract ID.
recordID number Unique item ID.
typeID number Type ID of item.
quantity number Item count.
rawQuantity number -1 for a non-stackable item, or a blueprint original. -2 for a blueprint.
singleton boolean True if item is a singleton.
included boolean True if this item is offered as part of the contract. False if this item is being asked for in the contract.


Category Shared
Access Faction War Stats Access (ACCESS_FAC_WAR_STATS)
Field Name Type Description
currentRank number Current faction war rank.
enlisted number Enlistment date (millis UTC).
enlistedDate string Enlistment date (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).
factionID number Faction ID.
highestRank number Highest rank achieved in faction.
killsLastWeek number Kills last week.
killsTotal number Total kills.
killsYesterday number Kills yesterday.
pilots number Pilot count.
victoryPointsLastWeek number Victory points earned last week.
victoryPointsTotal boolean Total victory points earned.
victoryPointsYesterday boolean Victory points earned yesterday.


Category Shared
Access Industry Jobs Access (ACCESS_INDUSTRY_JOBS)
Field Name Type Description
jobID number Unique job ID.
installerID number Job installer ID.
facilityID number Facility ID where job is installed.
stationID number Station or location ID where job facility is located.
activityID number Job activity ID.
blueprintID number Blueprint ID used for job.
blueprintTypeID number Blueprint type ID used for job.
blueprintLocationID number Station or location ID where blueprint is located.
outputLocationID number Station or location ID where job output will be placed.
runs number Job runs.
cost currency Job cost.
licensedRuns number Number of runs blueprint is licensed for.
probability number Probability of job success (invention jobs only).
productTypeID number Type ID of product manufactured, copied, or invented.
status string Job status. One of “active”, “cancelled”, “delivered”, “paused”, “ready” or “reverted”.
timeInSeconds number Job duration in seconds. ESI now calls this “duration”.
startDate number Job start date (millis UTC).
startDateDate string Job start date (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).
endDate number Job end date (millis UTC).
endDateDate string Job end date (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).
pauseDate number Job pause date (millis UTC) or 0 if not paused.
pauseDateDate string Job pause date (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).
completedDate number Job completed date (millis UTC) or 0 if not completed.
completedDateDate string Job completed date (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).
completedCharacterID number Character ID which completed the job.
successfulRuns number Number of successful job runs.


Category Shared
Access Kill Log Access (ACCESS_KILL_LOG)
Field Name Type Description
killID number Unique kill ID.
killTime number Kill time (millis UTC).
killTimeDate string Kill time (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).
moonID number Moon ID if the kill took place at a moon.
solarSystemID number Solar system ID where the kill took place.
warID number War ID if the kill was generated as part of an official war.


Category Shared
Access Kill Log Access (ACCESS_KILL_LOG)
Field Name Type Description
killID number Unique kill ID.
attackerCharacterID number Attacker’s character ID.
allianceID number Attacker alliance ID, or 0 if attacker not in an alliance.
attackerCorporationID number Attacker’s corporation ID.
damageDone number Damage done by attacker.
factionID number Attacker faction ID, or 0 if attacker not in a faction.
securityStatus number Attacker’s security status.
shipTypeID number Attacker’s ship type ID.
weaponTypeID number Attacker’s weapon type ID.
finalBlow boolean True if this attacker inflicted the final blow.


Category Shared
Access Kill Log Access (ACCESS_KILL_LOG)
Field Name Type Description
killID number Unique kill ID.
typeID number Item type ID.
flag number Item location flag.
qtyDestroyed number Quantity of item destroyed.
qtyDropped number Quantity of item dropped.
singleton number Singleton flag.
sequence number Synthetic field introduced by EveKit. This field enumerates kill items to differentiate items with the same type ID.
containerSequence number Synthetic field introduced by EveKit. This field gives the sequence number of the container for an item (if it had one), or -1 if an item had no container.


Category Shared
Access Kill Log Access (ACCESS_KILL_LOG)
Field Name Type Description
killID number Unique kill ID.
allianceID number Alliance ID of victim, or 0 if not in an alliance.
killCharacterID number Victim character ID .
killCorporationID number Victim corporation ID.
damageTaken number Victim damage taken.
factionID number Faction ID of victim, or 0 if not in a faction.
shipTypeID number Victim ship type ID.
x number Victim’s x position at time of kill.
y number Victim’s y position at time of kill.
z number Victim’s z position at time of kill.


Category Shared
Access Locations Access (ACCESS_LOCATIONS)
Field Name Type Description
itemID number Item ID.
itemName string Item name.
x number Item x position.
y number Item y position.
z number Item z position.


Category Shared
Access Market Orders Access (ACCESS_MARKET_ORDERS)
Field Name Type Description
orderID number Unique order ID.
walletDivision number Wallet division from which order was placed. Always 1 for character orders.
bid boolean True for bid (buy) orders, false for ask (sell) orders.
charID number (deprecated) Character ID which issued the order. Only present on pre-ESI orders.
duration number Number of days for which the order is valid, starting from the issued date.
escrow currency The amount of ISK in escrow for buy orders.
issued number Order issue date (millis UTC).
issuedDate string Order issue date (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).
issuedBy number ID of character who issued this order. Only present for corporation orders.
minVolume number Minimum acceptable quantity for buy orders.
orderState string One of “cancelled”, “expired” or “open”. The “open” state is introduced by EveKit to distinguish live orders.
price currency Order price.
orderRange string Order range in number of jumps. May be one of “1”, “2”, “3”, “4”, “5”, “10”, “20”, “30”, “40”, “region”, “solarsystem” or “station”.
typeID number Type ID of item transacted in this order.
volEntered number Volume entered at order creation.
volRemaining number Volume remaining for order.
regionID number Region ID where order was placed.
locationID number Location ID where order was placed.
isCorp boolean If true, then this order was placed on behalf of the placing character’s corporation.
accountKey number (deprecated) Set to walletDivision -1 + 1000.


Category Shared
Access Standings Access (ACCESS_STANDINGS)
Field Name Type Description
standingEntity string One of “agent”, “npc_corp” or “faction”.
fromID number ID of entity for standing.
standing number Entity standing.


Category Shared
Access Wallet Journal Access (ACCESS_WALLET_JOURNAL)
Field Name Type Description
division number Wallet division. 1 for charactre wallet journal entries.
refID number Unique journal reference ID.
date number Date of entry (millis UTC).
dateDate string Date of entry (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).
refType string Transaction type. See ref_type.
firstPartyID number The ID of the first party involved in the transaction.
secondPartyID number The ID of the second party involved in the transaction.
argName1 string (deprecated) Only present on historic data. null for ESI data.
argID1 number (deprecated) Only present on historic data. 0 for ESI data.
amount currency Transaction amount. Positive for ISK deposited, negative for ISK withdrawn.
balance currency Wallet balance after transaction completed.
reason string User-provided reason for transaction.
taxReceiverID number The corporation ID receiving any tax paid.
taxAmount currency The amount of tax paid.
contextID number An ID related to the context as determined by refType.
contextType string Type of contextID if present. See context_id_type.
description string Reason for the transaction as shown in the client.
accountKey number (deprecated) Set to division - 1 + 1000.
ownerID1 number (deprecated) Set to firstPartyID.
ownerID2 number (deprecated)Set to secondPartyID.


Category Shared
Access Wallet Transactions Access (ACCESS_WALLET_TRANSACTIONS)
Field Name Type Description
division number Transaction division. 1 for character transactions.
transactionID number Unique transaction ID.
date number Transaction date (millis UTC).
dateDate string Transaction date (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).
quantity number Number of items transacted.
typeID number Type ID of item transacted.
price currency Price for each item.
clientID number ID of client with which transaction occurred.
locationID number Location where transaction occurred.
isBuy boolean True for a buy, false otherwise.
isPersonal boolean True if on behalf of the transacting character, false if on behalf of the character’s corporation.
journalTransactionID number Corresponding journal reference ID. -1 if no such entry exists.
accountKey number (deprecated) Set to division - 1 + 1000.
stationID number (deprecated) Set to locationID.
transactionType string (deprecated) Set to “buy” if isBuy = true, otherwise set to “sell”.
transactionFor string (deprecated) Set to “personal” if isPersonal = true, otherwise set to “corporation”.


Category Character
Access Calendar Event Attende Access (ACCESS_CALENDAR_EVENT_ATTENDEES)
Field Name Type Description
eventID number Unique calendar event ID.
characterID number ID of character responding.
response string Character response. One of “declined”, “not_responded”, “accepted” or “tentative”.


Category Character
Access Contact Notifications Access (ACCESS_CONTACT_NOTIFICATIONS)
Field Name Type Description
notificationID number Unique notification ID.
senderID number Character ID of contact list this character has been added to.
sentDate number Notification send date (millis UTC).
sentDateDate string Notification send date (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).
standingLevel number Standing tier this character has been assigned to in the adding character’s list. See standing_level.
messageData string Notification message.


Category Character
Access Charadcter Fleets Access (ACCESS_CHARACTER_FLEETS)
Field Name Type Description
fleetID number Unique fleet ID.
role string Fleet role. One of “fleet_commander”, “squad_commander”, “squad_member” or “wing_commander”.
squadID number Squad within fleet to which the character has been assigned, or -1 if not in a squad.
wingID number Wing within squad to which the character has been assigned, or -1 if not in a wing.


Category Character
Access Locations Access (ACCESS_LOCATIONS)
Field Name Type Description
solarSystemID number Solar system ID where character is located.
stationID number Station ID where character is located, or 0 if not located in a station.
structureID number Structure ID where character is located, or 0 if not located in a structure.


Category Character
Access Mail Access (ACCESS_MAIL)
Field Name Type Description
messageID number Unique message ID.
senderID number Character ID of sender.
sentDate number Message send date (millis UTC).
sentDateDate string Message send date (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).
title string Message title.
msgRead boolean True if the message has been read. False otherwise.
labels set<number> Set of label IDs applied to message (see MailLabel).
recipients set<MailMessageRecipient> Set of message recipients.
body string Message contents.


Category Character
Access Medals Access (ACCESS_MEDALS)
Field Name Type Description
description string Description of medal.
medalID number Unique medal ID.
title string Medal title.
corporationID number ID of corporation which issued medal.
issued number Medal issue date (millis UTC).
issuedDate string Medal issue date (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).
issuerID number ID of character which issued medal.
reason string Reason medal was issued.
status string One of “public” or “private”.


Category Character
Access Medals Access (ACCESS_MEDALS)
Field Name Type Description
medalID number Unique medal ID.
issued number Medal issue date (millis UTC).
issuedDate string Medal issue date (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).
part number Part code.
layer number Layer code.
graphic string Graphic image name.
color number Color code, or 0 if none.


Category Character
Access Notifications Access (ACCESS_NOTIFICATIONS)
Field Name Type Description
notificationID number Unique notification ID.
type string Notification type. See type.
senderID number ID of sender. Interpretation depends on “senderType”.
senderType string Sender type. One of “character”, “corporation”, “alliance”, “faction” or “other”.
sentDate number Notification send date (millis UTC).
sentDateDate string Notification send date (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).
msgRead boolean True if the notification has been read, false otherwise.
text string Notification text.


Category Character
Access Account Status Access (ACCESS_ACCOUNT_STATUS)
Field Name Type Description
online boolean True if character online, false otherwise.
lastLogin number Last login time (millis UTC).
lastLoginDate string Last login time (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).
lastLogout number Last logout time (millis UTC).
lastLogoutDate string Last logout time (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).
logins number Total number of logins.


Category Character
Access Character Sheet Access (ACCESS_CHARACTER_SHEET)
Field Name Type Description
roleCategory string Role category. This is a synthetic field created by EveKit to organize roles. Value will be one of “CORPORATION”, “CORPORATION_AT_HQ”, “CORPORATION_AT_BASE” or “CORPORATION_AT_OTHER”.
roleName string Role name.


Category Character
Access Character Sheet Access (ACCESS_CHARACTER_SHEET)
Field Name Type Description
characterID number Unique character ID.
name string Character name (also unique).
corporationID number Character corporation ID.
raceID number Character race ID.
doB number Character date of birth (millis UTC).
doBDate string Character date of birth (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).
bloodlineID number Character bloodline ID.
ancestryID number Character ancestry ID, or 0 if none.
gender string Character gender. Either “male” or “female”.
allianceID number Character alliance ID, or 0 if none.
factionID number Character faction ID, or 0 if none.
description string Character provided description.
securityStatus number Character security status.


Category Character
Access Character Sheet Access (ACCESS_CHARACTER_SHEET)
Field Name Type Description
intelligence number Character intelligence.
memory number Character memory.
charisma number Character charisma.
perception number Character perception.
willpower number Character willpower.
bonusRemaps number Number of available bonus character neural remaps.
lastRemapDate number Date of last neural remap, including bonus remaps (millis UTC).
lastRemapDateDate string Date of last neural remap, including bonus remaps (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).
accruedRemapCooldownDate number Date when neural remap cooldown will complete after using an accrued neural remap (millis UTC).
accruedRemapCooldownDateDate string Date when neural remap cooldown will complete after using an accrued neural remap (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).


Category Character
Access Character Sheet Access (ACCESS_CHARACTER_SHEET)
Field Name Type Description
cloneJumpDate number Date of last clone jump (millis UTC).
cloneJumpDateDate string Date of last clone jump (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).
homeStationID number Home station ID.
homeStationType string Home station type. One of “station” or “structure”.
lastStationChangeDate number Date of last home station change (millis UTC).
lastStationChangeDateDate string Date of last home station change (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).


Category Character
Access Character Sheet Access (ACCESS_CHARACTER_SHEET)
Field Name Type Description
jumpActivation number Date of last jump activation (millis UTC).
jumpActivationDate string Date of last jump activation (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).
jumpFatigue number Date of jump fatigue expiry (millis UTC).
jumpFatigueDate string Date of jump fatigue expiry (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).
jumpLastUpdate number Date of last jump update (millis UTC).
jumpLastUpdateDate string Date of last jump update (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).


Category Character
Access Character Sheet Access (ACCESS_CHARACTER_SHEET)
Field Name Type Description
totalSkillPoints number Total character skill points.
unallocatedSkillPoints number Unallocated skill points.


Category Character
Access Locations Access (ACCESS_LOCATIONS)
Field Name Type Description
shipTypeID number Character’s ship type ID.
shipItemID number Unique item ID identifying character’s ship.
shipName string Ship name.


Category Character
Access Character Sheet Access (ACCESS_CHARACTER_SHEET)
Field Name Type Description
typeID number Skill type ID.
trainedSkillLevel number Maximum level trained in skill.
skillPoints number Skill points invested in skill.
activeSkillLevel number Current active skill level (may be reduced due to alpha clone status).


Category Character
Access Character Sheet Access (ACCESS_CHARACTER_SHEET)
Field Name Type Description
titleID number Unique title ID.
titleName string Title name.

ChatChannel (deprecated)

Category Character
Access Chat Channels Access (ACCESS_CHAT_CHANNELS)
Field Name Type Description
channelID number Unique channel ID.
ownerID number Character ID of channel creator.
displayName string Displayed name of channel.
comparisonKey string Key used to disambiguate chat channels.
hasPassword boolean True if the channel requires a password for entry, false otherwise.
motd string Message of the day.

ChatChannelMember (deprecated)

Category Character
Access Chat Channels Access (ACCESS_CHAT_CHANNELS)
Field Name Type Description
channelID number Unique channel ID.
category string One of “allowed”, “blocked”, “muted” or “operator”.
accessorID number ID of channel member.
accessorType string Channel member type.
untilWhen number If blocked, date at which block expires (millis UTC).
untilWhenDate string If blocked, date at which block expires (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).
reason string Reason for blocking this member.


Category Character
Access Ship Fittings Access (ACCESS_FITTINGS)
Field Name Type Description
fittingID number Unique fitting ID.
name string Fitting name.
description string Fitting description.
shipTypeID number Ship type ID described by fitting.


Category Character
Access Ship Fittings Access (ACCESS_FITTINGS)
Field Name Type Description
fittingID number Unique fitting ID.
typeID number Fitting type ID.
flag number Fitting flag.
quantity number Number of this item fit.


Category Character
Access Character Fleets Access (ACCESS_CHARACTER_FLEETS)
Field Name Type Description
fleetID number Unique fleet ID.
isFreeMove boolean True if free movement is allowed, false otherwise.
isRegistered boolean True if registered, false otherwise.
isVoiceEnabled boolean True if voice enabled, false otherwise.
motd string Fleet message of the day.


Category Character
Access Character Fleets Access (ACCESS_CHARACTER_FLEETS)
Field Name Type Description
fleetID number Unique fleet ID.
characterID number Character ID of fleet member.
joinTime number Time fleet joined (millis UTC).
joinTimeDate string Time fleet joined (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).
role string Fleet member role. One of “fleet_commander”, “wing_commander”, “squad_commander” or “squad_member”.
roleName string Localized role name.
shipTypeID number Ship type ID of ship member is flying.
solarSystemID number ID of solar system where member is located.
squadID number Squad ID for member, or -1 if member not assigned to a squad.
stationID number ID of station in which the member is docked, or 0 if not docked.
takesFleetWarp boolean True if the member takes fleet warps, false otherwise.
wingID number Wing ID for member, or -1 if member not assigned to a wing.


Category Character
Access Character Fleets Access (ACCESS_CHARACTER_FLEETS)
Field Name Type Description
fleetID number Unique fleet ID.
wingID number Wing ID to which this squad is assigned.
squadID number Unique squad ID.
name string Squad name.


Category Character
Access Character Fleets Access (ACCESS_CHARACTER_FLEETS)
Field Name Type Description
fleetID number Unique fleet ID.
wingID number Unique wing ID.
name string Wing name.


Category Character
Access Character Sheet Access (ACCESS_CHARACTER_SHEET)
Field Name Type Description
typeID number Type ID of implant.


Category Character
Access Character Sheet Access (ACCESS_CHARACTER_SHEET)
Field Name Type Description
jumpCloneID number Unique jump clone ID.
locationID number Station or structure ID where jump clone is located.
cloneName string Clone name.
locationType string Jump clone location type. One of “station” or “structure”.


Category Character
Access Character Sheet Access (ACCESS_CHARACTER_SHEET)
Field Name Type Description
jumpCloneID number Unique jump clone ID.
typeID number Type ID of implant.


Category Character
Access Character Sheet Access (ACCESS_CHARACTER_SHEET)
Field Name Type Description
corporationID number Corporation ID for which loyalty points have been earned.
loyaltyPoints number Loyalty points earned for this corporation.


Category Character
Access Mailing Lists Access (ACCESS_MAILING_LISTS)
Field Name Type Description
displayName string Mailing list name as displayed in client.
listID number Unique mailing list ID.


Category Character
Access Mail Access (ACCESS_MAIL)
Field Name Type Description
labelID number Unique mail label ID.
unreadCount number Count of unread messages for this label.
name string Label name.
color string Label color. See color.


Category Character
Access Mail Access (ACCESS_MAIL)
Field Name Type Description
recipientType string One of “alliance”, “character”, “corporation” or “mailing_list”.
recipientID number ID of recipient.


Category Character
Access Mining Ledger Access (ACCESS_MINING_LEDGER)
Field Name Type Description
date number Date of mining ledger entry (millis UTC).
dateDate string Date of mining ledger entry (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).
solarSystemID number ID of solar system where mining occurred.
typeID number ID of type of ore mined.
quantity number Quantity of ore mined.


Category Character
Access Character Sheet Access (ACCESS_CHARACTER_SHEET)
Field Name Type Description
taskID number Unique task ID.
completedAt number Date task was completed (millis UTC).
completedAtDate string Date task was completed (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).


Category Character
Access Asset Access (ACCESS_ASSETS)
Field Name Type Description
planetID number Unqiue planet ID.
solarSystemID number ID of solar system where planet is located.
planetType string Planet type. See planet_type.
ownerID number Character ID of colony owner.
lastUpdate number Last update date (millis UTC).
lastUpdateDate string Last update date (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).
upgradeLevel number Colony upgrade level.
numberOfPins number Number of colony pins.


Category Character
Access Asset Access (ACCESS_ASSETS)
Field Name Type Description
planetID number Planet ID.
pinID number Unique pin ID.
typeID number Type ID of type constructed or extracted at pin.
schematicID number Schematic ID of factory, or 0 if not a factory pin.
lastCycleStart number Time when last extract cycle started (millis UTC).
lastCycleStartDate string Time when last extract cycle started (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).
cycleTime number Extraction cycle time in seconds.
quantityPerCycle number Amount extracted per cycle.
installTime number Time when extraction or factory installed (millis UTC).
installTimeDate string Time when extraction or factory installed (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).
expiryTime number Time when extraction expires (millis UTC).
expiryTimeDate string Time when extraction expires (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).
productTypeID number ID of type extracted by extractor.
longitude number Longitude of pin.
latitude number Latitude of pin.
headRadius number Extractor head radius.
heads set<PlanetaryPinHead> Set of extractor heads.
contents set<PlanetaryPinContent> Current factory contents.


Category Character
Access Asset Access (ACCESS_ASSETS)
Field Name Type Description
typeID number Type ID of content.
amount number Content amount.


Category Character
Access Asset Access (ACCESS_ASSETS)
Field Name Type Description
headID number Unique head ID.
latitude number Head latitude.
longitude number Head longitude.


Category Character
Access Asset Access (ACCESS_ASSETS)
Field Name Type Description
planetID number Planet ID.
routeID number Unique route ID.
sourcePinID number Source pin ID.
destinationPinID number Destination pin ID.
contentTypeID number Type ID transmitted on this route.
quantity number Quantity of content transmitted on this route.
waypoints list<number> Ordered list of route pins IDs.


Category Character
Access Research Access (ACCESS_RESEARCH)
Field Name Type Description
agentID number Unique agent ID.
pointsPerDay number Research points generated per day.
remainderPoints number Remaining research points to be generated.
researchStartDate number Date when research started (millis UTC).
researchStartDateDate string Date when research started (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).
skillTypeID number Type ID of skill used for research.


Category Character
Access Skill Queue Access (ACCESS_SKILL_QUEUE)
Field Name Type Description
endSP number Skill point total in the trained skill when training completes.
endTime number End of skill training time (millis UTC).
endTimeDate string End of skill training time (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).
level number Level training to.
queuePosition number Position in skill training queue.
startSP number Skill point total in the trained skill at the previous level.
startTime number Start of skill training time (millis UTC).
startTimeDate string Start of skill training time (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).
typeID number Type ID of skill being trained.
trainingStartSP number Skill point total in the trained skill when training started.


Category Character
Access Upcoming Calendar Event Access (ACCESS_UPCOMING_CALENDAR_EVENTS)
Field Name Type Description
duration number Event duration in minutes.
eventDate number Date of event (millis UTC).
eventDateDate string Date of event (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).
eventID number Unique event ID.
eventText string Description of event.
eventTitle string Event title.
ownerID number Event owner ID.
ownerName string Event owner name.
response string Response to event invitation.
importance number Event importance level.
ownerType string Owner type. One of “eve_server”, “corporation”, “faction”, “character” or “alliance”.


Category Corporation
Access Container Log Access (ACCESS_CONTAINER_LOG)
Field Name Type Description
logTime number Log time (millis UTC).
logTimeDate string Log time (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).
action string Container action. See action.
characterID number Character ID of character which accessed the container.
locationFlag string Container location flag. See location_flag.
containerID number Unique container ID.
containerTypeID number Type ID of container.
locationID number Container location ID.
newConfiguration number New configuration mask.
oldConfiguration number Old configuration mask.
passwordType string Password type. either “config” or “general”.
quantity number Quantity of container items acted on.
typeID number Type ID of item acted on.


Category Corporation
Access Corporation Medals Access (ACCESS_CORPORATION_MEDALS)
Field Name Type Description
medalID number Unique medal ID.
description string Medal description.
title string Medal title.
created number Medal creation date (millis UTC).
createdDate string Medal creation date (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).
creatorID number Character ID of medal creator.


Category Corporation
Access Member Medals Access (ACCESS_MEMBER_MEDALS)
Field Name Type Description
medalID number Unique medal ID.
characterID number ID of character receiving medal.
issued number Date medal issued (millis UTC).
issuedDate string Date medal issued (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).
issuerID number ID of character who issued medal.
reason string Reason medal was issued.
status string Medal status. One of “private” or “public”.


Category Corporation
Access Corporation Sheet Access (ACCESS_CORPORATION_SHEET)
Field Name Type Description
allianceID number ID of alliance of which corporation is a member, or 0 if not in an alliance.
ceoID number Character ID of corporation CEO.
corporationID number Unique corporation ID.
corporationName string Corporation name.
description string Corporation description.
memberCount number Current corporation member count.
shares number Current corporation share count.
stationID number Corporation home station ID.
taxRate number Corporation tax rate (between 0 and 1).
ticker string Corporation in-game ticker.
url string Corporation home page URL.
dateFounded number Date of corporation founding (millis UTC).
dateFoundedDate string Date of corporation founding (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).
creatorID number Characger ID of corporation founder.
factionID number ID of faction of which corporation is a member, or 0 if not in a faction.
px64x64 string 64x64 corporation logo URL.
px128x128 string 128x128 corporation logo URL.
px256x256 string 256x256 corporation logo URL.


Category Corporation
Access Corporation Titles Access (ACCESS_CORPORATION_TITLES)
Field Name Type Description
titleID number Unique title ID.
titleName string Title name.


Category Corporation
Access Corporation Titles Access (ACCESS_CORPORATION_TITLES)
Field Name Type Description
titleID number Unique title ID.
roleName string Title role name.
grantable boolean True if role is grantable, false otherwise.
atHQ boolean True if role is at HQ, false otherwise.
atBase boolean True if role is at a base, false otherwise.
atOther boolean True if role is at other, false otherwise.


Category Corporation
Access Asset Access (ACCESS_ASSETS)
Field Name Type Description
officeID number Unique customs office ID.
solarSystemID number ID of solar system where customs office located.
reinforceExitStart number Starting hour for the 2-hour reinforcement exit window after an attack.
reinforceExitEnd number Ending hour for the 2-hour reinforcement exit window after an attack.
allowAlliance boolean True if alliance access allowed, false otherwise.
allowStandings boolean True if access allowed based on standings, false otherwise.
standingLevel string If “allowStandings” is true, then access is only allowed by entities with this level of standing or better. One of “bad”, “excellent”, “good”, “neutral” or “terrible”.
taxRateAlliance number Tax rate for alliance members.
taxRateCorp number Tax rate for corporation members.
taxRateStandingExcellent number Tax rate for characters with excellent standing.
taxRateStandingGood number Tax rate for characters with good standing.
taxRateStandingNeutral number Tax rate for characters with neutral standing.
taxRateStandingBad number Tax rate for characters with bad standing.
taxRateStandingTerrible number Tax rate for characters with terrible standing.


Category Corporation
Access Corporation Sheet Access (ACCESS_CORPORATION_SHEET)
Field Name Type Description
wallet boolean True if this is a wallet division, false otherwise.
division number Unique division ID (1-7).
name string Division name.


Category Corporation
Access Industry Jobs Access (ACCESS_INDUSTRY_JOBS)
Field Name Type Description
facilityID number Unique facility ID.
typeID number Type ID of facility structure.
solarSystemID number ID of solar system where facility located.


Category Corporation
Access Starbase List Access (ACCESS_STARBASE_LIST)
Field Name Type Description
starbaseID number Unique starbase ID.
typeID number Fuel type ID.
quantity number Fuel quantity.


Category Corporation
Access Member Security Access (ACCESS_MEMBER_SECURITY)
Field Name Type Description
characterID number Character ID of member.


Category Corporation
Access Member Tracking Access (ACCESS_MEMBER_TRACKING)
Field Name Type Description
memberLimit number Current corporation member limit.


Category Corporation
Access Member Security Access (ACCESS_MEMBER_SECURITY)
Field Name Type Description
characterID number ID of character to which role is assigned.
roleName string Name of assigned role.
grantable boolean True if this is a grantable role, false otherwise.
atHQ boolean True if this role is at HQ, false otherwise.
atBase boolean True if this role is at a base, false otherwise.
atOther boolean True if this role is at other, false otherwise.


Category Corporation
Access Member Security Log Access (ACCESS_MEMBER_SECURITY_LOG)
Field Name Type Description
characterID number ID of character for which role changed.
changedAt number Date of role change (millis UTC).
changedAtDate string Date of role change (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).
issuerID number Character ID who changed role.
roleType string Role type.
roleName string Role name.
old boolean If true, then this update is describing the role before the change. Otherwise, this update describes the role after the change.


Category Corporation
Access Member Security Access (ACCESS_MEMBER_SECURITY)
Field Name Type Description
characterID number ID of character to which title is assigned.
titleID number ID of assigned title.


Category Corporation
Access Member Tracking Access (ACCESS_MEMBER_TRACKING)
Field Name Type Description
characterID number Character ID of member.
baseID number ID of character’s base.
locationID number ID of character’s current location.
logoffDateTime number Last logoff time (millis UTC).
logoffDateTimeDate string Last logoff time (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).
logonDateTime number Last logon time (millis UTC).
logonDateTimeDate string Last logon time (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).
shipTypeID number Character’s ship type ID.
startDateTime number Character membership start time (millis UTC).
startDateTimeDate string Character membership start time (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).


Category Corporation
Access Mining Ledger Access (ACCESS_MINING_LEDGER)
Field Name Type Description
moonID number ID of moon where chunk will be extracted.
structureID number ID of structure performing extraction.
extractionStartTime number Time when extraction started (millis UTC).
extractionStartTimeDate string Time when extraction started (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).
chunkArrivalTime number Time when chunk will arrive (millis UTC).
chunkArrivalTimeDate string Time when chunk will arrive (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).
naturalDecayTime number Time when chunk will decay (millis UTC).
natrualDecayTimeDate string Time when chunk will decay (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).


Category Corporation
Access Mining Ledger Access (ACCESS_MINING_LEDGER)
Field Name Type Description
observerID number ID of the entity that observed the mining.
characterID number ID of character that performed the mining.
typeID number Type ID of item mined.
recordedCorporationID number Corporation ID of the mining character at the time when the observation was recorded.
quantity number Volume mined.
lastUpdated number Observation time (millis UTC).
lastUpdatedDate string Observation time (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).


Category Corporation
Access Mining Ledger Access (ACCESS_MINING_LEDGER)
Field Name Type Description
observerID number ID of the observing entity.
observerType string Observer type. Currently always “structure”.
lastUpdated number Observer update time (millis UTC).
lastUpdateDate string Observer update time (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).


Category Corporation
Access Shareholder Access (ACCESS_SHAREHOLDERS)
Field Name Type Description
shareholderID number ID of shareholder entity.
shareholderType string Shareholder type. Currently either “character” or “corporation”.
shares number Number of shares held by shareholder.


Category Corporation
Access Starbase List Access (ACCESS_STARBASE_LIST)
Field Name Type Description
starbaseID number Unique starbase ID.
typeID number Starbase type ID.
systemID number ID of solar system where starbase is located.
moonID number ID of moon starbase is orbiting.
state string Starbase state. See state.
unanchorAt number Time when starbase unanchored (millis UTC).
unanchorAtDate string Time when starbase unanchored (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).
reinforcedUntil number Time up to which starbase will be reinforced (millis UTC).
reinforcedUntilDate string Time up to which starbase will be reinforced (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).
onlinedSince number Time at which starbase was onlined (millis UTC).
onlinedSinceDate string Time at which starbase was onlined (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).
fuelBayView string Roles allowed to view the starbase fuel bay. See fuel_bay_view.
fuelBayTake string Roles allowed to take fuel from the starbase fuel bay. See fuel_bay_take.
anchor string Roles allowed to anchor the starbase. See anchor.
unanchor string Roles allowed to unanchor the starbase. See unanchor.
online string Roles allowed to online the starbase. See online.
offline string Roles allowed to offline the starbase. See offline.
allowCorporationMembers boolean True if corporation members allowed access, false otherwise.
allowAllianceMembers boolean True if alliance members allowed access, false otherwise.
useAllianceStandings boolean True if alliance standings should be used for threshold checks, false otherwise.
attackStandingThreshold number Threshold for checking attack on standing.
attackSecurityStatusThreshold number Threshold for checking att on security status.
attackIfOtherSecurityStatusDropping boolean True if starbase will attack accessing entities with dropping security status, false otherwise.
attackIfWar boolean True if starbase will attack accessing entities at war with owner, false otherwise.


Category Corporation
Access Structure List Access (ACCESS_STRUCTURES)
Field Name Type Description
structureID number Unique structure ID.
corporationID number ID of corporation which owns structure.
fuelExpires number Fuel expire date (millis UTC).
fuelExpiresDate string Fuel expire date (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).
nextReinforceApply number Time when new reinforce hour and weekday will take effect (millis UTC).
nextReinforceApplyDate string Time when new reinforce hour and weekday will take effect (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).
nextReinforceHour number New requested reinforce hour.
nextReinforceWeekday number New requested reinforce weekday.
profileID number Access Control List (ACL) profile ID for this structure.
reinforceHour number Hour of the day that marks the mid-point of the four hour window in which the structure will randomly exit reinforcement.
reinforceWeekday number Day of the week when structure exits final reinforcement. One of 0 (Monday) through 6 (Sunday).
state string Structure state. See state.
stateTimerEnd number Time at which structure will enter its next state (millis UTC).
stateTimerEndDate string Time at which structure will enter its next state (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).
stateTimerStart number Time at which structure entered its current state (millis UTC).
stateTimerStartDate string Time at which structure entered its current state (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).
systemID number ID of solar system where structure is located.
typeID number Structure type ID.
unanchorsAt number Time at which structure will unanchor (millis UTC).
unanchorsAtDate string Time at which structure will unanchor (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ).


Category Corporation
Access Structure List Access (ACCESS_STRUCTURES)
Field Name Type Description
structureID number Structure ID to which this service is attached.
name string Service name.
state string Service state. One of “online”, “offline” or “cleanup”.